Our price submission sets our prices, services and investments over a four-year period.

Our price submission sets our prices from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2028.

Engagement on the development of our submission has closed. The submission was provided to the water industry's independent economic regulator, the Essential Services Commission (ESC) in September.

The ESC is currently reviewing our submission. They ran an online public consultation period from 4 October to 15 December 2023. All submissions provided to the ESC during this period have been uploaded to their website: https://www.esc.vic.gov.au/greater-western-water-price-review-2024

You can also read and download a copy of our price submission on our website: gww.com.au/pricesubmission.

If you have any questions about the price submission process, please reach out to our Economic Regulation team via email: pricesubmission@gww.com.au

Our first price submission

This price submission:

  • delivers affordable bills for our customers
  • supports investment in our network to deliver trusted water services for our communities and future generations
  • aligns with our 2030 Strategy goals for customers, community and Country
  • reflects what customers told us is important.

ESC guidelines state that our price submission must show proof of meaningful, impactful engagement with our customers.

Your feedback has influenced our submission at every stage. Over 18 months, we heard from more than 8,000 people across our service region. Your feedback fell into seven broad topics:

  • keeping our services affordable
  • providing reliable services, including responding to unplanned disruptions and harmonising service levels
  • supporting waterway health
  • getting water from other sources (using alternative water)
  • reaching net zero emissions
  • supporting customers experiencing hardship
  • improving communication to customers.