Works complete

The Park Street water main renewal is now complete. Our delivery partner Downer has installed 500 metres of new water main, ensuring the reliability of water supply in this part of the CBD.

We thank local residents and businesses for their patience and understanding during our works.

Browse below to learn more about the project.

Project Overview

The Park Street, Melbourne water main renewal is an essential, proactive infrastructure upgrade that will support the essential service needs of the local community into the future.

The project will install 100 metres of new water main along Park Street. The new pipe will replace the existing water main which was built in the 1900s and is reaching the end of its operational life.

These works will be delivered by Downer on our behalf.

We thank you for your patience while we undertake these essential works.

Community Impacts

While we will do everything we can to minimise impacts to you, you can expect the following during our works:

  • Working hours will be 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday
  • Footpaths will be closed during work hours. Traffic management will be in place to help pedestrians navigate the works area safely
  • Motor vehicles and cyclists will not have access to the full length of Park Street during our work, including overnight
  • Access to Wilson Parking will be available via Little Lonsdale Street
  • Access to the bike storage area on Park Street will be available throughout our works
  • The La Trobe Street end of Park Street will be closed for the first half of the project
  • The Little Lonsdale Street end of Park Street will be closed for the second half of the project
  • Traffic control teams will be on site to help you navigate the area safely
  • There will be construction impacts which may include increased truck activity, noise and dust
  • The site will be reinstated following completion of our works
  • Once our works are complete, the City of Melbourne will be carrying out their own works on Park Street to upgrade the road and footpath

Project Updates

We will be adding regular updates throughout the project. Check back here for the latest information on our works.

Our crews have left the area and our project is complete. All roads have been returned to their original condition and pedestrians and vehicles can now access Park Street as normal.

Other streetscape works are expected to take place on Park Street in the near future by a different contractor.

We want to thank our local customers for your patience and understanding while we worked to deliver a renewed water supply to the area.

We have completed installation of the new water main along Park Street. Connections to the broader water network at La Trobe Street and Little Lonsdale Street were completed over a week of night works in late May, minimising disruption to traffic.

The new water main was commissioned in early June and all properties along Park Street have had their services transferred.

Final reinstatement of the road will be done over 2 nights in the first half of June. From then our crews will leave site, returning Park Street to normal vehicle and pedestrian access by mid-June.

We began work on Park Street in late April 2023. Our first areas of focus were installing the new water main and creating connections to essential fire services in the area.

To connect the new Park Street water main to the network on La Trobe and Little Lonsdale Streets, some night and weekend work will be required. We are working to find ideal dates for this part of the project. Affected customers will be given 5 business days' notice once these dates are confirmed.

As of Wednesday 17 May access to Wilson Parking is via La Trobe Street.

Works will begin on Wednesday 26 April and take about 4-6 weeks to complete.

Work hours will be 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

We also plan to do one shift of weekend or night works, at a time to be determined. This is so we can work on the stretch of road providing access to Wilson Parking.

We will be doing works on Saturday 13 May 9am to 5pm.

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Anja H

Engagement Advisor, Greater Western Water

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