Project Overview
We are renewing the large water distribution main network in and around Pascoe Vale Road, Moonee Ponds to ensure a clean and reliable water supply, extra capacity and protection against water loss and leaks.
The current water main is over 100 years old and is nearing the end of its service life.
The new water main will be larger and will provide a reliable water supply into the future.
Early works have been completed, main construction has commenced on Pascoe Vale Road and is scheduled to be completed by mid-2024.
We will be working in stages to minimise impact to the local community.
Project map

Read the latest construction update
As part of the restoration of Pascoe Vale Road, the team will be performing additional minor pipeline maintenance works from Sunday 9 December 2024 and will take approximately one week to complete. This includes asphalt reinstatement.
This will be night works, and will occur from Sunday – Thursday, 7pm – 5.30am.
We thank you for your patience and understanding as we deliver this essential upgrade.
Pascoe Vale Road Works and Reinstatement
The site office at Pascoe Vale Road Reserve has been removed and the reserve has been reinstated to its original condition. As part of the restoration process, the team will be returning to Pascoe Vale Road to perform some minor rectification works to ensure the long-term operation of the upgraded water main. More information about this will be provided soon.
We thank the local community for letting the project be part of your community while we delivered this transformative project.
We are in the final stage of road reinstatement on Pascoe Vale Road and Pascoe Reserve. From Monday 21st October asphalt reinstatement along Pascoe Vale Road will continue. These works are scheduled to take two weeks to complete. Due to wet weather these works have been slightly delayed, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Once reinstatement is completed, the site office at Pascoe Reserve and all materials will be removed and the reserve reinstated to its original condition.
We want to sincerely thank the local community for the letting the project be part of your community while we delivered this 1 in 100 year project.
Reinstatement works along Pascoe Vale Road
We are about to begin the final stage of works and reinstatement of Pascoe Vale Road and Pascoe Vale Reserve. Works and reinstatement works will occur from 7pm 5.30am
From Monday 30 September, there will be water main decommissioning works on Pascoe Vale Road from 7pm – 5.30am. This is expected to take approximately two weeks to complete and will be undertaken in small sections.
From Sunday 6 October, asphalt reinstatement along Pascoe Vale Road will begin. The team will begin reinstating the west side of Pascoe Vale Road between -Fletcher Street and Buckley Street. This will be followed by asphalt works starting at Buckley Street and working towards Alexandra Avenue. This will take place in small blocks and will take approximately one to two weeks.
Site Offices
Once final works and reinstatement is completed, the site offices at Pascoe Vale Reserve will be removed. We’ll be working closely with the local Council to ensure the reserve is brought back to its original condition.
Thank you
We extend our sincere thanks to everyone in Moonee Ponds for your continued patience and understanding as we carried out these once-in-a-lifetime works. You are now served by a new, larger water main that will enhance distribution and reliability in the area for the next 100 years, ensuring it meets your needs now and well into the future.
Construction is continuing along Pascoe Vale Road heading south towards Alexandra Ave.
Pascoe Vale Road works and temporary closures
The next section is the final stage of night works and will be undertaken in small sections on Pascoe Vale Road between Thomas Street and Alexandra Avenue.
From 9:00pm Saturday 13 July to 5:30am Monday 15 July, Yarra Trams and Jaydo will be undertaking construction in the tram corridor at the intersection of Mt Alexander Road and Pascoe Vale Road.
Properties along the west side of Pascoe Vale road will be connected to an above ground temporary water supply from Friday 12 July 2024.
Whilst properties are connected to the new water main, customers will be provided with a temporary water supply. This is expected to take three weeks to complete.
Changes to how you move around
There will be short term traffic changes to Tram Route 59 service during this period.
- The turning lane at the corner of Mt Alexander Road and Pascoe Vale Road intersection will be closed during works.
- Tram Route 59 will run a shortened service between Stop 1 Flinders Street Station and Stop 27 Essendon Tram Depot.
- Buses will replace Route 59 trams between Stop 27 Essendon Tram Depot and Airport West.
- Traffic management and detours will be in place to help you safely navigate the area.
- For more information on public transport disruptions, please refer to or the signage in the area.
Thank you for your support and patience, we look forward to working with community to complete these works in 2024.
Construction on Pascoe Vale Road
We are entering the last stage of construction along Pascoe Vale Road. Nightworks will continue Sunday to Friday from 7pm – 5.30am to ensure we can complete the works safely and reduce traffic risks.
Pascoe Vale Road works and temporary closures
The next section marks the final stage of night works and will be undertaken in small sections on Pascoe Vale Road between Thomas Street and Alexandra Avenue.
Night works in this area commenced Sunday 2 June 2024 and will occur for approximately six to seven weeks.
A small number of properties on Pascoe Vale Road have been temporarily connected to a temporary water supply. To efficiently install and commission the new upgraded water main, the connection to the temporary water supply will be in place for the next 8-12 weeks.
What to expect
· Works will be completed from Sunday to Thursday between 7pm and 5.30am. We will notify you in advance if work outside of these hours are required.
· Excavation work with fencing, barricades and trench covers to keep you safe.
· Some noise can be expected during our work hours. Whenever we can, we will undertake our noisiest work as early in the evening as possible.
· Temporary closure of parking lane and driveway access on the east side of Pascoe Vale
· Short-term storage of equipment and materials in the street.
· The road will be reinstated to its prior condition after the works have been completed.
· Traffic management will be in place around construction to ensure the local community can navigate safely around the area.
There will be changes to traffic flows from 7pm to 5.30 am while construction takes place. This will help to reduce impacts and allow for you and the wider community to move around safely while works are being undertaken.
Changes to how you move around the area
From Wednesday 12 June - Thursday 13 June, the Coats Street and Pascoe Vale Road intersection will be closed during nightworks from 7pm-5.30am. Coats Street will still be accessible via Thomas Street and Alexandra Avenue.
Additionally, there will be a closure of the Murray Street and Pascoe Vale Road intersection from Tuesday 25 June to Thursday 27 June from 7pm – 5.30am. Access to Murray Street will be via Buckley Street and Hutcheson Street.
Short term footpath closures and pedestrian detours may be necessary in some areas on Pascoe Vale Road in the coming months. Traffic Management personnel and signage will be in place to help you to move around safely. We’re working with traders and residents to reduce impacts to outdoor traders, parking and access to facilities.
Thank you for your support and patience, we look forward to completing these works in 2024.
Construction is continuing along Pascoe Vale Road heading south towards Alexandra Ave. Nightworks will continue Monday to Friday from 7pm – 5.30am to reduce traffic risks.
The next section of nightworks will be undertaken in small sections on Pascoe Vale Road between Albion Street and Alexandra Avenue.
These works are scheduled to commence from Sunday 7 April 2024 take place for approximately four – eight weeks.
Local diversions
There will be changes to traffic during construction hours to help reduce impacts and allow for you and the wider community to move around safely while works are being undertaken.
- From Sunday 7 April 2024 to Thursday 11 April 2024, the intersection of Wilson Street and Pascoe Vale Road will be temporarily closed during work hours. Wilson Street will still be accessible via Thomas Street and Bent Street.
- From Tuesday 16 April 2024 to Tuesday 23 April 2024 there will be a temporary closure of the slow lane at the corner of Thomas Street and Pascoe Vale Road.
- From Sunday 5 May 2024 there will be a temporary closure of Coats Street for two to three nights.
Please plan ahead as there will be temporary changes to traffic conditions at night, traffic management will direct traffic through impacted intersections during works.
Construction is continuing on the eastern side of Pascoe Vale Road heading south towards Alexandra Ave. Nightworks will continue Monday to Friday from 7pm – 5.30am to reduce traffic risks.
The Strand and Bent Street works
The next section of nightworks will occur both intersections at The Strand and Bent Street on Pascoe Vale Road.
These works will take place at night and are scheduled to commence from 11 February 2024 for approximately two - three weeks to complete.
What to expect
- Changes to traffic flows from 7pm to 5.30 am
- From Sunday 11 February 2024 to Tuesday 13 February, the intersection of Bent Street and Pascoe Vale Road will be closed during nightworks from 7pm-5.30am. Bent Street will still be accessible via Salisbury Street and Wilson Street.
- From Sunday 18 February 2024, nightworks will occur at The Strand and Pascoe Vale Road intersection from 7pm – 5.30am. Traffic will be able to access The Strand as usual.
- Traffic management will direct traffic through both intersections during works.
We've now finished construction of the new water main on Pascoe Vale Road between Fitzgerald Road and Albion Street.
To minimise disruption to traffic, tram and bus services, and businesses along Pascoe Vale Road, the remainder of the works will take place at night.
From Sunday January 14, we'll be working between from 7pm and 5am, Sunday to Thursday, starting at the intersection of Fitzgerald Road and moving south to Alexandra Avenue.
Where possible we will perform the noisiest work at the start of our construction hours. Please note that unavoidable noise associated with construction will still occur throughout the night.
Traffic management will be in place around construction zones to ensure the local community can navigate safely around the area during works.
We’re working with local businesses and residents to reduce impacts to outdoor trading, parking and access to facilities.
Thank you for your support and patience, We look forward to working with community to complete these works in 2024.
Our temporary site office in Pascoe Vale Reserve will remain at the same location as we head into the final phase of construction. Rest assured, we're dedicated to preserving the area, ensuring the community's continued access to the park, and committing to reinstate the site once our work is completed. We're also working with residents to minimise impacts while we work at night.
Your patience during these vital water upgrade works is greatly appreciated. We are fully committed to minimising any inconvenience you may experience, and we'll keep you well-informed about our progress every step of the way.
Construction has now restarted, with the team working on the eastern side of Pascoe Vale Road, between Fletcher and Buckley streets. We are currently working from Monday to Friday between 7am and 5:30pm, with one night of works on 13 December 2023, between 8pm and 5am.
The construction crew will be taking a break from 22 December 2023 to 15 January 2024 when they will return to finish the last leg of the project.
We'd like to say thanks for your patience while we've been working in your neighbourhood. We look forward to completing work in 2024 and restoring Pascoe Vale Reserve to return it to community use.
We’re preparing for the final phase of construction which involves working on busy Pascoe Vale Road. We're in the process of finalising plans to complete this work from around November 2023. A key focus is to minimise impacts to the local community, road users and the public transport network.
Although this process has pushed out the project’s completion date to early 2024, we will continue to work with traders over the busy summer months to reduce impacts to outdoor traders, parking and access to local facilities during the later period of the year.
Temporary site office
The temporary site office located at Pascoe Reserve will remain at the same location during the review period of construction and when construction recommences. We are looking forward to returning the reserve to the community upon the project's completion and will be undertaking additional planting to reinstate and regenerate the area.
Thank you for your patience during these essential water upgrade works. Every effort will be made to minimise any inconvenience to you during work and we will keep you informed of our progress.
Construction of your new, larger water main has re-commenced, with works taking place on Alexandra Avenue and Fletcher Street in June before we commence construction on Pascoe Vale Road.
Fletcher Street connection works
The new water main will be installed and connected at the intersection of Pascoe Vale Road and Fletcher Street/Albion Street. These works will take place at night and are scheduled to commence from 18 June 2023 for approximately 1 week.
What to expect:
- Works will be carried out from Sunday to Thursday between 7pm and 5am. We will notify you in advance if works outside of these hours are required.
- Excavation work with fencing, barricades and trench covers to keep you safe.
- Some noise can be expected during our work hours. Whenever we can, we will undertake our noisiest works as early in the evening as possible.
- Short-term storage of equipment and materials in the street.
- The road will be reinstated to its prior condition after works have been completed.
Traffic and public transport
- There will be changes to traffic flows from 7pm to 5am while construction takes place. This will help to reduce impacts and allow for you and the wider community to move around safely while works are being undertaken.
- Traffic management will direct traffic through the Fletcher Street and Alexandra Avenue intersection during works. There will be instances where traffic will be required to detour via Fitzgerald Road. During this time, Bus route 503 will travel through the area as usual.
- Please plan ahead as there will be temporary changes to traffic conditions at night, including detours at intersections.
Alexandra Avenue Connection Works
The new water main will be installed and connected at the intersection of Pascoe Vale Road and Alexandra Avenue. These works are scheduled to commence the week starting 25 June for approximately 1 week, reinstatement of the road will then occur the following week after works are completed.
What to expect
- Works from Sunday to Thursday between 7pm and 5am. We will notify you in advance if works outside of these hours are required.
- We will be requesting that owners of parked vehicles around the construction site relocate their vehicles until construction is complete.
- Excavation work with fencing, barricades and trench covers to keep you safe.
- Some noise can be expected during work hours. Whenever we can, we will undertake our noisiest works as early in the evening as possible.
- Short-term storage of equipment and materials in the street.
- There will be limited on-street parking on Alexandra Avenue during the works.
- Footpaths will not be affected by this work, and we’ll provide safe pedestrian crossing points so that you can access local businesses and services on Alexandra Avenue.
Traffic and public transport
To keep everyone safe, the intersection of Alexandra Avenue and Pascoe Vale Road will be closed.
- The Route 506 bus stop will move from the intersection of Mt Alexander Road and Pascoe Vale Road to the corner of Walker Street and Alexandra Avenue while works take place.
- Detours and traffic management will be in place to help vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists to safely move around the area. Please plan ahead as there will be temporary changes to traffic conditions.
From late April 2023 we will start early works on Pascoe Vale Road between Fletcher Street/Albion Street and Alexandra Avenue. These works will help to inform our final construction program.
Early works will be completed at night, however there may be some sections where we work during the day.
While we will continue to make every effort to keep disruption and inconvenience to a minimum, the following can be expected as we move through the area:
- Night works from Monday to Friday between 7pm and 5am. Sections of works may be undertaken during the day, from Monday to Friday between 7am and 5pm.
- A non-destructive digging (NDD) truck will be used. This uses a high-pressure water jet to help locate underground services.
- Some noise can be expected during work but we will make every effort to keep this to a minimum.
- Short-term interruption to some on-street parking on the east side of Pascoe Vale Road. This will be approximately 10 parking spaces per night. This will also occur in some smaller sections of the west side of the alignment.
- Temporary closures of the intersections at Thomas Street, Wilson Street, Bent Street, Fitzgerald Road (both lanes), Buckley Street and Coats Street (one lane). This will occur one intersection at time for approximately one night each while services are located within the intersections.
- Detours and traffic management will be in place to help vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists to safely move around the area. Please plan ahead as there will be temporary changes to traffic conditions, which may result in delays.
Businesses on Pascoe Vale Road will be open as usual during construction works so that you can continue to support your local traders. We will be working with businesses during the planning and delivery of the project to minimise impacts.
Construction of your new, larger water main has re-commenced for 2023, with minor works taking place on Alexandra Avenue, Feehan Avenue, and Dean Street before we commence construction on Pascoe Vale Road.
Dean Street
The new water main will be connecting to the water main on Dean Street, across from the Feehan Avenue intersection. These works are scheduled to commence on 30 January 2023 for approximately one week.
You will still be able to travel your normal route along Dean Street, however, there will be changes to traffic flows from 7 am to 6 pm while construction takes place. This will help to reduce impacts and allow for you and the wider community to move around safely while works are being undertaken.
To complete this work in the most timely and safe manner:
- Dean Street, next to the Feehan Avenue intersection, will be closed in 1 lane at a time, “stop” and “slow” signs will direct traffic through the intersection during works.
- We will be requesting that owners of parked vehicles around the construction site relocate their vehicles until construction is complete.
- Bus Route 506 will continue as usual through the area.
- Detours and traffic management will be in place to help vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists to safely move around the area.
- Delays are expected so please allow for extra time when travelling through the area.
Construction on Pascoe Vale Road
We are currently working with VicRoads and Yarra Trams to find the most suitable time to complete the water main upgrade works on Pascoe Vale Road, given it is a major arterial. To allow substantial time to plan and coordinate in with these recommended timeframes, we are now expected to commence construction on Pascoe Vale Road in the first quarter of 2023. This now means that the project is expected to be completed by late 2023.
Although this process has pushed out the project’s completion date to late 2023, it also allows us to commence construction on Pascoe Vale Road in the quieter, colder months of the year. This will help to reduce impacts to outdoor traders, and busy summer facilities during January and the Easter school holiday periods.
We thank you for your ongoing patience and will continue to keep you informed of our progress throughout this essential water main upgrade.
Over the Christmas and New Year period there will be a short break in construction. Works will recommence on the Pascoe Vale Road water main renewal project on 9 January 2023. When we return to site, construction will take place at the intersections of Alexandra Avenue/McPherson Street and Albion Street/Pascoe Vale Road.
McPherson Street and Alexandra Avenue Update
The drainage pipe installation works, on the corner of McPherson Street/Salisbury Street and the corner of Alexandra Avenue/Feehan Avenue have been delayed and will now be completed from 9 January 2023. This will take approximately 2 days in each section.
What this means for you:
- During the Alexandra Avenue works the intersection of Alexandra Avenue and Feehan Avenue will be closed to traffic. Vehicles will be directed to exit Alexandra Avenue via Walker Street. The northbound lane of Feehan Avenue will be closed. Vehicles can travel south towards Dean Street as usual.
- During the Salisbury Street installation, the east lane of McPherson Street will be closed to traffic in the immediate area of the works. Vehicles can travel west towards Albion Street as usual.
- We ask owners of parked vehicles around the construction site to relocate their vehicles until construction is complete.
- Detours and traffic management will be in place to help vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists to safely move around the area.
- Works will be completed from 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 7am to 3pm on Saturdays (if required).
- Excavation work with fencing, barricades and trench covers in place to keep you safe.
- Noise and dust from machinery and vehicles during working hours.
Pascoe Vale Road early works
We are planning early works along Pascoe Vale Road, between Fletcher Street and Alexandra Avenue to take place during the quieter period of February 2023.
We will provide further information closer to these dates.
Works are continuing along McPherson Street between Buckley Street and Albion Street.
Works to install the new water main along Albion Street between McPherson Street and Pascoe Vale Road will commence on 24 October 2022 for approximately 6 weeks.
Works will be staged to reduce impacts and allow the community to move safely around the works area.
During works road detours will be in place, please allow extra time if travelling through the area.
Works commenced on Albion Street on 2 November 2022 at the McPherson Street intersection and will progressively move towards Pascoe Vale Road over 8 weeks.
Sections of the south side of Albion Street will progressively close as we work through the area. There will be changes to traffic flow from 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Traffic management will be in place to help vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists safely move around the area.
Please obey "stop" and "slow' signs that will allow 2-way traffic on the northern side of Albion Street and allow extra time to travel through the area. Speed limits will be reduced to 40km per hour in all streets approaching the construction zone.
Works have also been completed on McPherson Street, the final section between Buckley Street and Albion Street reopened Friday 11 November.
Dean Street
A section of the new water main will be installed on Dean Street and at the Feehan Avenue intersection. These works are scheduled to commence on 21 November 2022 for approximately one week.
Dean Street and Feehan Avenue, between Dean Street and Alexandra Avenue, will be closed as we progressively work through the area. Works will be conducted in stages. This will help to reduce impacts and allow for you and the wider community to move around safely while works are being undertaken.
- Feehan Avenue, between Alexandra Avenue and Dean Street will be closed one half at a time. Access to the car park on Dean Street will be maintained at all times.
- Dean Street, next to the Feehan Avenue intersection, will be closed in 1 lane at a time for approximately 1 day in each lane.
- We will be requesting that owners of parked vehicles around the construction site relocate their vehicles until construction is complete.
- Bus Route 506 will continue as usual through the area.
- Detours and traffic management will be in place to help vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists to safely move around the area.
- Delays are expected so please allow for extra time when travelling through the area.
Works are continuing along McPherson Street up to Buckley Street. So far we have installed nearly 1km of new water main.
McPherson Street between Bent Street and Buckley Street will progressively close whilst works are completed in stages.
- McPherson Street between Wilson Street and Bent Street will reopen at close of business Friday 16 September 2022.
- McPherson Street between Bent Street and Salisbury Street will remain closed until early October.
- We’ll be closing Salisbury Street to Buckley Street on 26 September 2022.
- The Salisbury Street roundabout will be closed during this time.
- To complete all works up to Thomas Street, the Thomas Street roundabout will be closed between the 27 and 30 September. Traffic detours will be in place during this time.
- We will progressively close McPherson Street up to Albion Street block by block, finishing in late October (subject to weather conditions).
- We request that owners of parked vehicles in the construction zone, relocate during road closures along McPherson Street until construction for that section of road is complete.
- Detours and traffic management will be in place to help vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists move around the area.
- A security guard has been appointed to roam around the project area from 7pm to 11pm, Monday to Friday.
We are on schedule to progress along McPherson Street with works extending up to Bent Street on 15 August 2022.
From 15 August, Feehan Avenue and McPherson Street between Coats Street and Bent Street will be closed.
- Coats to Kenna will reopen on 19 August 2022.
- We will progressively close McPherson Street up to Albion Street block by block, finishing in early October (subject to weather conditions).
- We will be requesting that owners of parked vehicles relocate until construction is complete.
- Detours and traffic management will be in place to help vechiles, pedestrians and cyclists move around the area.
Construction of the water main is complete on Alexandra Avenue and the first section of Feehan Avenue is scheduled for completion next week.
Alexandra Avenue will reopen from 20 July 2022.
Changes to how you move around Feehan Avenue
From 26 July 2022 Feehan Avenue, between Alexandra Avenue and Thomas Street will be closed whilst works are completed in this section.
- We will progressively close Feehan Avenue up to Wilson Street.
- We will reopen Feehan Avenue block by block between Alexandra Avenue, finishing in late August (subject to weather conditions).
- We request that owners of vehicles parking in around the construction zone relocate their vehicles until construction is complete.
Thank you for your patience as we deliver these essential works.
Construction will start on Alexandra Avenue on 20 June 2022. There will be a two-stage closure of Alexandra Avenue for up to 4 weeks. Access to businesses and residences will be via Coats Street and Dean Street. Pedestrian access will be maintained.
Construction is scheduled to move onto Feehan Avenue on 13 July 2022. Parts of Feehan Avenue will be closed as we progressively work through the area.
Detours and traffic management will be in place to help vehicles, pedestrians and bike riders move safely around the area.