Project Overview

The population of Rockbank is growing, and we need to make sure we can provide a reliable sewerage service into the future. That's why we have built a new 1.7km rising sewer main on Greigs Road, Rockbank, to help us meet growing demand.

The new main runs west from the intersection of Troups Road North and Greigs Road. Most of the construction took place within the road reserve, except for a small section that needed to be constructed directly along Greigs Road due to the proximity of other underground assets.

  • How long will works take to complete?

    Works will be carried out in two stages and will took approximately four to five months to complete.

  • When will works take place?

    Works will occur Monday to Friday, between 7am and 5pm, and on Saturday, between 7am and 1pm.

    Some activities will take place at night between 7pm and 7am.

    We will notify you in advance if you are likely to be impacted by night works.

Project updates

Stay up to date with the latest news on this project.

We’re in the final stages of delivering a new 1.7km sewer main along Greigs Road, Rockbank.

What to expect

  • Works will involve reinstating the road and nature strip to its previous condition
  • There may be construction noise and dust from machinery and construction vehicles during working hours
  • Your water and sewerage services will not be interrupted during these works.

Thank you for your support
We sincerely thank everyone in Rockbank for your continued patience and understanding as we carried out these essential works.

We acknowledge these works may have caused some inconvenience and disruption as we have occupied part of Greigs Road. We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding, and we thank you for letting the project team be a part of your community.

Since October 2024 we have completed:

  • Sewer main mostly complete.
  • Testing of the sewer main scheduled for Mid-November 2024.
  • Pending successful tests, the sewer main will be commissioned by the end of November 2024.
  • Cross connection at Troups Road planned to be completed by end of November 2024.
  • Cleanup and reinstatement works expected to last until Mid-December 2024.

Since September 2024 we have completed:

  • Works to identify and protect Aboriginal heritage
  • We have successfully installed more than 1500m out of 1700m of the new sewer

The final stages of the project involve open trench cutting to connect the new sewer to existing infrastructure, followed by road resurfacing.

Since July 2024 we have completed:

  • Site establishment and early works
  • Environmental and cultural heritage compliance works
  • Construction of about 300m of the main towards the eastern end, between 64 and 118 Greigs Road, Rockbank
  • Construction of about 200m of main towards the western end, near 230-260 Greigs Road, Rockbank

Project map

The red line indicates the alignment of the new sewer main in the road reserve north of Greigs Road. Click on the pins in the map for more information.

What do the works involve?

While we will make every effort to minimise disruption and inconvenience to you, the following can be expected:

  • Most of the works will be carried out from 7 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.
  • There may be construction noise and dust from machinery and construction vehicles during working hours.
  • Your water and sewerage services will not be interrupted during these works.
  • These works will be carried out on our behalf by Jaydo.

How will traffic, cyclist and pedestrian access be impacted during the project?

Changes to traffic will include:

  • You may notice temporary speed reduction and lane closures along other sections along Greigs Road and other surrounding roads in the area.
  • Traffic management will be on site to help vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists move safely through the area.

What can you expect during works?

  • Changes to traffic conditions

    You may notice temporary speed reduction and lane closures along Greigs Road and other surrounding roads in the area.

    Local detours will be in place to guide you safely around the area.

    (please refer to the section above to find out more)

  • Construction noise and dust

    There will be construction noise and dust from machinery and vehicles during working hours. We will do the noisiest works earlier in the shift wherever possible.

  • Businesses are still open!

    Greig Street will still remain open for business! We will be working closely with all businesses ensuring it's business as usual for locals and visitors.

    Traffic controllers will be onsite during work hours to help you navigate the area and continue accessing your favourite spots.

  • Crossing Driveways (North side of Greigs Road)

    We will need to cross some residential and businesses driveways to complete this work and will be working with these residents so we can plan this work and minimise any disruption.

    We will let you know in advance if you will be impacted.

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