Project overview

We’ve upgraded the water main along Swanston Street, Melbourne between Flinders Street and Collins Street. The previous main was built in 1928 and reached the end of its operational life. By upgrading the water main, we've ensured continued water security in the area now and into the future.

These works were timed to coincide with the construction of the new Town Hall Station which forms part of the Metro Tunnel project. By collaborating with other city infrastructure projects we reduced costs, minimised community disruption and improved efficiencies.

These works were delivered by AquaMetro on behalf of Greater Western Water.

  • Project complete

    The Swanston Street Water Main Renewal is complete and all customers are now connected to the new main. We will replace sections of pavement on Flinders Street and Collins Street in February.

    By timing our works to coincide with the Metro Tunnel project we hope we have limited inconvenience to businesses, residents and visitors in the area.

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Project updates

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Unexpected ground conditions and the needs of other construction projects in the area have further extended our works timeline. We currently expect works to be complete by mid December 2024.

All valves and hydrants have now been installed, as has most of the new water main. We’ve used two innovative underground methods to install the new pipes: slip lining and pipe bursting.

Slip lining - a slightly smaller pipe is inserted into the existing pipe.

Pipe bursting - a slightly larger pipe is forced into the existing pipe. The existing pipe the ‘bursts’ making way for the new pipe (see video below). The fragments of the old pipe stay underground as they do not disrupt the soil or other utility assets.

Using these methods allowed us to install the new main without needing to cut into large sections of footpath or road, minimizing project cost and the work’s impact on the community. These methods also helped us complete the complex work at the intersections of Swanston and Flinders Street as well as Swanston and Collins Street, where we had to navigate tram lines as well as a maze of underground utility assets.

Lastly, we have returned the area outside Town Hall to its original condition, including re-laying the heritage listed bluestone that is a quintessential part of the Melbourne aesthetic.

Construction started in July 2024 and was expected to finish in September 2024. During our works, we encountered unexpected ground conditions and other services very close to the water main. These conditions have caused delays in our works.

Construction is now expected to be complete in October 2024.

  • How long will works take to complete?

    Works will start the night of Sunday 21 July and take about 16 weeks to complete, with an additional 2 weeks for reinstatement.

    We expect all construction associated with the work to be finished by late December 2024.

  • When will works take place?

    Works will take place at night from Sunday to Thursday, between 8pm and 6am.

    We will be working at night to minimise disruption to trams, pedestrians and businesses in the CBD.

What do the works involve?

We will be using a combination of pipe bursting and slip-lining methodologies on this project. Pipe bursting involves inserting the new pipe inside the existing main, and the old pipe cracks to make space for the new pipe. This approach limits how much of the footpath we disrupt, as we don't have to trench the whole alignment to lay new pipe.

Slip-lining involves inserting a new, slightly more narrow, pipeline inside the existing water main. This methodology reduces the amount of road we need to cut into and limits disruptions to traffic, pedestrians and local businesses. We will use the slip-line method where Swanston Street intersects with Flinders Street.

There will be disruption to the footpaths along the eastern side of Swanston Street during construction. Traffic management will be in place to help pedestrians safely navigate our works.

What can you expect during works?

  • Footpath disruption

    There will be disruptions and partial footpath closures on the eastern side of Swanston Street (between Collins Street and Flinders Street). Traffic controllers will be on site to help pedestrians, cyclists and people using mobility aids safely navigate the area.

  • Construction noise and dust

    There will be construction noise and dust from machinery and vehicles during working hours. We will do the noisiest works earlier in the shift wherever possible.

  • Changes to traffic conditions

    Changes to traffic conditions will include partial lane closures, reduced speed and impacts to parking.

    Traffic controllers will be on site to help vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians safely navigate the area.

  • Businesses are still open!

    Swanston Street will still remain open for business! We will be working closely with all traders to ensure it's business as usual for locals and visitors.

    Traffic controllers will be onsite during work hours to help you navigate the area and continue accessing your favourite spots.

Project map

Below is a map of the alignment. The blue line shows the location of water main.

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Greater Western Water

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