
Macedon Ranges community engagement report available

5 June 2023

For the past few months, we’ve been out and about in communities across the Macedon Ranges discussing all the options to manage water in the region.

Thank you to everyone who shared their opinions and insights with us, whether you completed our survey, dropped in for a chat at a local event or attended a workshop.

This consultation process is now complete and we’ve carefully reviewed all the feedback we received. Our engagement report is now available.

The engagement report summarises the activities we delivered and insights we gathered from residents, businesses, community groups and government between August 2022 and March this year. It includes who we spoke to, what we heard and the next steps.

Our aim was to build a shared understanding of community attitudes and values to understand what matters most about how water is managed in the region, with a particular focus on recycled water.

Together the Macedon Ranges community has identified 10 priorities for water management in the region including healthy waterways and habitats, safe drinking water and appropriate access to water for everyone.

We worked with environmental consulting group RPS to design and deliver this engagement program.

These community perspectives will inform planning for important infrastructure upgrades. GWW is committed to ensuring future projects reference and reflect what we heard as a key input alongside broader stakeholder consultation, modelling, technical investigation and other analysis.

What’s next?

We’ll be out in community across June and July to talk about the Romsey Recycled Water Plant upgrade and other water initiatives in the area. Details of these events are on our YourSay page.